20130309 igp0826

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  1. I was wondering if you’d go back… they’ve very nice! We’re still making our way into spring here, so not much in the way of flower activity yet… soon though! I can’t wait!

    I’ve not done much with flash photography either… I still need to get one. I can’t decide whether I want an all purpose flash, or a lens ring flash, since I like to do lots of closeup/macro stuff…

    1. Yes I considered a ring flash but the Metz 58 af2 was quite reasonable and allows a lot of other shots as well as macro. I’ve been quite impressed with it so far – just need to learn how to use it out of auto mode !

      1. There is that.. the ring flash is not as ‘all purpose’…

        I think I’ve discovered to trying to figure out how to use something out of ‘auto mode’ is one of life’s toughest challenges. It’s almost like they just want you to use everything on auto. 🙂

        1. I know and the thing is Auto mode does so much these days. I normally shot in Aperture priority and in that mode the flash calculates just about everything. It’s very impressive !

    2. Thank you for saying – however I think there are some white balance issues with the natural light photos – the snowdrops don’t seem quite white. I’ll correct those later

  2. Our snow drops and daffodils haven’t made it through the ice and snow yet:0) At least I can look at your shots while I wait :o)

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