Tamron 10-24 wide angle sample pictures - Bike post in Fairlands Valley Park Stevenage

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  1. It’s the one thing I do miss on my Olympus Pen, the wider end. Great for telephoto though. I’d have to use the D7100 for really wide. I’ve not heard of the Tammy 10-24mm. How old is it?

      1. Oh, not very old then 🙂 I’m always on the lookout for wide angles for my legacy lens collection. Again, not so wide on the pen! Anythign wider than 24mm tends to go for nutjob $$…

        1. I keep looking at the samyang 8mm fisheye which looks pretty good for about £240. Like you I can’t find anything wider than about 24mm in legacy glass which isn’t super wide when the crop factor is taken into account,

          1. Agreed. The Samyang has received fine praise, so it’s one to consider. Funnily enough, I have an old Hanimex 23mm lens in SR mount. I’ve not yet ventired to try it. The lens itself is very hefty, so I;m hoping it was made by a decent Japanese maker before Hanimex went totally cheap. I’ll have to try it, but do not have high expectations!

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