Winait 8mm film scanner - front view

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  1. Congratulations, on your willingness to make this work, and on the quality that you achieved.
    The result is fascinating and of a quality that is surprising, given all of the factors that could have made for deterioration.
    But, of course, it is eerie in that we know nothing about these individuals’ identities or lives.

    1. Thanks Roy – it is odd to watch people in these films knowing that the majority of them will be gone now, but many of the films contain a view on history that would otherwise be lost so I also find them fascinating. I’m not really sure what the copyright situation is but I’m hoping to add them to found-film soon. My view is it is unlikely that anyone would object, and I’m not using them for commercial gain so it should be ok.

  2. Thanks for the review I must admit your similar to mine I was drawn to your page but you have put my mind at rest about the winett and I will purchase one
    Regards Simon Hawkes

    1. Hi Simon – you might find it worth reading my post about the problems I had and why I had to return my scanner -

  3. The location is the island of Madeira (a Portuguese colony} and what looks like outside of the church de Monte. I’m about to embark on a 8mm conversion project for my in-laws who are originally from Madeira.

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