Pentax P30t pictures developed with digibase c41 kit - King's Cr

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  1. Hi Simon

    Thank you for this write up. I’ve been looking all over the place to see reviews/blog posts about this ready kit because I was also confused that the Stab is not included in the kit yet it’s written in the manual. So you think there’s really no need for the Stab? Also I have read in other forums that you shouldn’t rinse the film between chemicals. But from what I read on your blog the manual does tell you to do so right? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Kitty – thanks for the comment. I have used a wash between chemicals and found it to not make much difference so I would carry on doing it. In the instructions with the kit it recommends a wash because it prolongs the life by reducing contamination. Regarding the stabilizer I believe this is just an additional step which adds a protection to the negatives. It isn’t supplied with the kit but you can purchase it separately if you want and use it. I know if you do use it you don’t wash the film afterwards or you will remove it and therefore negate it’s use.

      1. Ah got it! Thank you so much for your reply and for these blog posts. They are very informative and easy to follow. Thank you!

  2. Simon,
    I have found your enthusiam infective! Just bought a Rollei C41 Digibase 1litre kit.

    Can I warn your readers how important it is to measure accurately all the chemicals used for the developer, etc.? I bought the 1 litre kit.
    I was 10ml short of fix concentrate (not a huge problem as I will increase fix time slightly), and only received 50ml of stabliser concentrate – only sufficient for 500ml and not the 1 litre of stbliser I was expecting. Again, not that important, but when it comes to the colour developer insufficient, or too much, of the concentrate chemicals could result in unsatisfactory results.

    Again, thank you for your infective enthusiasm.


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