Garden macro pictures
I think one of the main reasons I like macro photography is because there are subjects everywhere you look. I went out this morning with my Sony Nex 6 and Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro lens and I’d found these willing insects within a few minutes just in my garden.
I took these pictures at about 8am, and that’s a good time to be out taking macro photos because the sun hasn’t fully warmed the insects up so they are still a bit more docile than they get in the middle of the day. One down side however is that the camera had to be set to a higher ISO than when it’s brighter later in the day, so the images are a bit more noisy. I shot all these in raw and processed them in Lightroom.
I’m not sure of any of the species in these pictures but that’s another good thing about macro – you don’t need to know all about nature to enjoy taking the pictures.
Wonderful! My favourite is the wasp!