20120722 igp91381

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  1. Hi Simon, nice image – just one suggestion if I may: be careful not to go over the top with vibrance in LR as you risk oversaturating and clipping one or more channels. In this image it looks like the red channel is affected. If you back it down a bit you may be able to recover some nice detail in those beautiful poppies.
    Just a thought.
    Take care and thank you for stopping by Clicks & Corks and liking one of my images: greatly appreciated. 🙂

    1. Hi Stefano

      Thanks for commenting and taking the trouble to give advice – It’s always difficult to know if it will be well received but I can tell you I’m always happy to receive helpful advice

      Thanks Again

  2. You are absolutely right, Simon, and I was quite unsure whether it would have been appropriate for me to mention that, but eventually I decided I would take my chances 😉
    Thank you for your kind reply and happy shooting!

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