Precisa ct-100 colour  slide film pictures - A view in Lincolnshire

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  1. You really can’t beat a well exposed transparency frame. Given colour darkroom printing is all but dead and print output is hybrid anyway via scanning, it’s crazy that more people don’t use it in preference to colour neg, the main benefits of which were ease of print generation and more forgiving exposure latitude and dynamic range. It’s true that reversal films are less tolerant of metering errors but they do not have to be difficult to expose accurately. Your Pentax has done an excellent job of getting exposure right but the simplest way to ensure perfect exposed transparencies is to meter with a reliable incident meter.

    Now, you have to put these into a projector. Viewing your scanned images is all very well, but nothing—repeat, nothing—can surpass the spectacular brilliance of a projected transparency. 🙂

    1. I didn’t have them mounted because I intended to scan them but I think I’ve got a box of empty mounts somewhere that were my Dad’s, and I’ve got his old projector so I may give that a try. I have another roll of the same film in my Dynax 5 so when I get it developed I may have them mounted – after all, I can still scan them they just take a bit longer. Thanks for taking a look at the post by the way.

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