Big Changes coming to the Photoblog
I just wanted to let any regular readers of this blog know about some changes coming to the blog. Changes in fact which are already starting to happen.

The first most obvious change involves the look of the site which has changed this morning when I switched the theme.
I’de used the previous theme for the last couple of years and to be honest I was getting tired of the same look after that amount of time. However the real driving force for changing the theme was because I wanted to be able to use a grid layout.
I’ve recently introduced a new search form on the Vintage Home Movies site, and that has been quite successful in allowing visitors to quickly find movies they are interested in, and I want to add a similar feature on this Vintage Camera Site. One of the important parts of that is the ability to show lots of results on a single page, hence the desire to use grid layout.
Other changes coming
The other changes coming are in a way related.
In order to make search easier it’s important that the content is properly organised with accurate categories and proper tagging of content. That is something that the site has been sadly lacking in for the last few years, so I’m going to be carrying out a major re-haul of the content – moving reviews, repairs, cameras, lenses etc into their own proper categories and re-writing a lot of the background articles which are used to provide content linking.
This will all take quite a while to accomplish so things will be changing for a while, but I’m hopeful that the only real change users will notice is that the site becomes easier to navigate and hopefully more useful to use.
Once I have these changes done it is likely that I’ll also be changing the domain to something more appropriate for a vintage camera site and moving some of the less relevant articles (like 3D printing) to a personal blog.