Photos from film found in old cameras - a thatched cottage

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  1. […] When it arrived and I’d unpacked it I found that it is in very nice condition overall apart from the chrome work on the top which has started to bubble. I assume the metalwork under the chrome plating has started to corrode and this leads to the bubbling. It’s rather a shame, because as far as I can tell the rest of the camera is in very good shape and appears the be working properly. The best thing about buying the camera was the fact that there was still a film in it, so I’ve rewound that and sent it to Photo Express in Hull to see if there are any images still obtainable. I love looking at pictures found in old cameras and have a post where I publish them. […]

  2. […] When it arrived and I’d unpacked it I found that it is in very nice condition overall apart from the chrome work on the top which has started to bubble. I assume the metalwork under the chrome plating has started to corrode and this leads to the bubbling. It’s rather a shame, because as far as I can tell the rest of the camera is in very good shape and appears the be working properly. The best thing about buying the camera was the fact that there was still a film in it, so I’ve rewound that and sent it to Photo Express in Hull to see if there are any images still obtainable. I love looking at pictures found in old cameras and have a post where I publish them. […]

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