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  1. A fairly detailed and very interesting post on IT. Although I have experimented with Linux and know people who dual boot it with Windows kept just for occasional use, I am still a Windows 7 user. HP laptops are fairly good, but I have had to help friends a few times to sort them out when things went wrong, the single dvd backup limitation is ridiculous. Your heavily modified HP laptop sounds particularly interesting and your brief mentions of various Mac related software solutions sound intriguing as I have never used a Mac. I will have to look for some video reviews of what is available.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I have to say the Hackintosh aspect is a project still ‘in development’. I need to sort the sleep mode which mostly works but sometimes restarts on wake rather than resumes on wake!

  2. Another solution is to run linux or windows with vmware player to run other os’s. Not sure if vmware has a player version for OS X, but I’ve been running creative suite in Windows inside vmware player for years on terrible hardware, and haven’t had any issues. The best part is that you can bounce between as many OS’s as your hardware can handle at one time. For an even better experience, pay for the upgrade to vmware workstation.

    1. I have run vmware in the past (I’ve got a copy of vmware workstation 4 somewhere) and I have also used VirtualBox which provides the same functionality but there are of course limitations since not all the actual hardware of the machine will be available within the emulated machine. Mostly however I like tinkering !

  3. please provide the link of the next part here about the installation of linux along with these ): thanx in advanc

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